How to setup Geofence on the Portal

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

This is applicable for SPOT GPS for Pets, SEEK GPS Pro, Guardian Watch, and Seek 

Note: It's always important when setting a GEO fence to look at the location updates. By standard, we use two location data points - you can adjust one if you have a larger geofence, but for smaller geofences, we suggest having two location fixes. This will decrease the amount of false positive alerts coming from your GPS device.


Login to using your computer. Click on "Geofence" then, "Add Geofence"






Create Geofence according to your preferrence, whether by radius or custom where you can create fence by making pologons. 

Name your device according to place (so it's easier to remember).

Apply when is --> when you like to be alerted, when device goes IN or OUT the fence.

Apply geofence to --> select the name of your device.

It is recommended to select Two location points in "Verify Location"

Then, click on SUBMIT once 


Custom Geofence

You can create a radius as a Geofence or a custom shape. To create a custom Geofence, click on "Custom" on the map and draw your shape by clicking on the map. Remember to connect the last dot with the first one and you get a cusotm shape!



NOTE: GPS accuracy can be disrupted, particularly in bad weather, with lots of trees or buildings around, or overnight. Usually the inaccurate 'blips' are only a few seconds, but if the device happens to locate itself right at that moment then you might get a false-alarm text alert. To avoid this from happening, it is best to adjust your Geofence size larger than your current fence.  

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